Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is one of the most common diseases and at different periods of their lives, about four out of five people suffer from it. Moreover, over time, the number of people suffering from cervical osteochondrosis only increases.
It is desirable for everyone to know well the symptoms of the disease in order to be able to recognize and eliminate it in time. With osteochondrosis, intervertebral discs and cartilage are deformed, and a corresponding reaction occurs in the vertebral body. The disease is accompanied by degenerative changes in the spinal disc, while its height changes, and physiological functions are lost. The result is instability and changes in the joints of the spine. Further progression of the disease causes curvature of the spine, as well as narrowing of the spinal canal.
At the first stage of the disease, the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis may be completely absent. Further development of the disease is accompanied by a narrowing of the space of the spinal cord, vertebral artery and nerve roots. When these sensitive elements are compressed, the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis appear:
- Stiffness and pain in the neck
- there is a headache, dull and squeezing, it increases with movement and is not relieved by analgesics;
- limbs feel weak and numb;
- coordination of movements is impaired;
- dizzy;
- memory disorders are noted;
- ringing and noise appear in the ears;
- general changes in the emotional background of a person are noted;
- the normal functioning of the intestines and the bladder is impaired.
In addition, cervical osteochondrosis can cause back pain.
Causes of cervical osteochondrosis
Physiological curvature of the cervical vertebrae is possible due to a sedentary lifestyle or frequent sitting or bent position. At the same time, the radicular nerve extending from the spinal cord is infringed, and the blood supply to the brain is interrupted as a result of the compression of the blood vessels.
In addition to the reasons that directly affect the occurrence of osteochondrosis, the following can be distinguished:
- spinal column injuries such as pinching and sprains;
- impaired metabolism in the body;
- general poisoning of the body and the course of various inflammatory processes;
- eating disorders and being overweight;
- poor heredity and genetic predisposition to the development of osteochondrosis;
- long stay at low temperatures or poor living conditions;
- wearing uncomfortable shoes, in particular women who wear high heels;
- excessive loads on the spine, accompanied by deformities of the foot, as well as the development of flat feet.
Due to the tight fit of the vertebrae to each other in the cervical spine, changes in the entire section occur due to changes in the functionality of one vertebra. As a result, the patient's vestibular apparatus may be disturbed, hearing and vision deteriorate, and a severe headache may occur.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home quickly
It is best to treat osteochondrosis according to the recommendations of a specialist and with their direct participation. In the polyclinic you can get a high-quality examination and a treatment regimen, including massage, physiotherapy procedures and taking medications. Treatment is not any difficult and difficult if the disease is not started. Therefore, you can carry out it yourself, quickly and at home. But to completely eliminate it, you should tune in to long-term treatment. With a superficial attitude, you can only temporarily relieve pain. It takes time and sustained effort to restore the blood supply to the vertebrae.
Cervical osteochondrosis: massage at home
Massage at home with osteochondrosis is able to eliminate the stiffness of the cervical spine, restore joint mobility and elasticity of the neck, while restoring blood circulation and lymph circulation.
In case of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to massage the neck some time after the exacerbation of the disease. One massage course should include 10 to 15 massage procedures, followed by a break. It is recommended to perform two or three therapeutic massage courses during the year.
Self-massage of cervical osteochondrosis at home
Self-massage is applicable for the treatment of osteochondrosis at home, since a person can easily massage his neck on his own. This does not require special conditions and the massage itself takes a little time. The effect will not be long in coming, gradually the pain will disappear and the muscles of the neck and back relax. Physical impact in the massage area helps to improve blood circulation in it. When self-massage, you should definitely adhere to some rules:
- procedure is performed only with fingers;
- all stroking and rubbing movements are performed smoothly;
- massage movements are directed from the spine to the sides.
The massage is performed not only on the shoulders and neck, but also on the back of the head.
Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis at home
To prevent cervical osteochondrosis or treat it at home, certain exercises are recommended. The disease affects people of all ages and its symptoms are sometimes so mild that it is difficult to establish the disease. Exercise for osteochondrosis will help cure it and restore health to a person.
Osteochondrosis can be treated with special gymnastics.
Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis at home
The complex of gymnastic exercises involves the following sequence:
- resistance of the head to pressing from above with the hands is performed smoothly, without sudden movements;
- sitting at the table, the back is straightened, the elbow rests on the table, the ear is pressed against the palm, the head is tilted to the shoulder, the hand resists. It is performed 10 times, the hold takes 10 seconds;
- while sitting at the table, rest your forehead on your palm, place your hand on the table on your elbow. You need to press 10 times for 10 seconds;
- in the supine position with the back of the head, press on the floor, performed for 5 seconds;
- press your forehead to the floor while lying on your stomach.
The exercises can be performed in any order.
Charging for cervical osteochondrosis at home
A simple exercise at home with osteochondrosis is recommended:
- turning on the left side, resting your head on the palm of your left hand, press your head against the palm. After changing the position of the body, press your head on the palm of your right hand;
- sit on a chair with a straight back and put your hands on the back of your head, joining them in a lock. Head to press on the lock;
- leaning tightly against the wall, press your head against the wall.
Each of these movements is performed with effort for five seconds. After that, the tension is released. Each movement is performed 10 times.
It is useful to hang on a horizontal bar in the morning when charging. It is enough to hang for half a minute. Exposing the body to its own weight is able to align the vertebrae. It is very good to swim in the pool at the end of the charge, if possible.
How to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home
A patient can be treated on an outpatient basis if there is no need to hospitalize him. It is advisable to visit a neurologist at a certain time, even if he receives the main treatment at home.
Cervical osteochondrosis treatment at home: tablets
For drug treatment, it is recommended to use the following groups of drugs, after agreement with the doctor:
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a couple of weeks three times a day after meals;
- diuretic tablets can relieve inflammation in the affected area of the neck and possible swelling;
- muscle relaxants will help to relax muscles contracted by spasm;
- To build up cartilage tissue, you should take a course of chondoprotectors. Their effect occurs only after three months. Only an experienced doctor can prescribe them.
Only a doctor has the right to prescribe all pills against osteochondrosis.
Ointment for cervical osteochondrosis
Ointment for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will effectively relieve neck pain. It qualitatively relieves pain and has an effect aimed at restoring and relieving inflammation.
Ointments have an effect due to the penetration of their active substance through the skin and its subsequent dissolution in the blood, as a result of which blood circulation improves. Over time, the inflammation disappears and the joints return to mobility. Covering the affected area with a scarf after rubbing in the ointment only enhances the overall effect.
Injections for cervical osteochondrosis
The following types of injections are recommended for cervical osteochondrosis:
- Injections with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Injections with local antiseptics.
- Injections with hormonal injections - corticosteroids.
- Vitamin injections.
- Chondoprotective injections contribute to the speedy healing of cartilage tissue.
Doctors often resort to homeopathic remedies for injections. These drugs have no contraindications or side effects.
Compresses for cervical osteochondrosis at home
Compresses for cervical osteochondrosis are able to qualitatively warm the patient's neck and eliminate the painful condition. A heating composition should be applied to the problem area, rubbed into the skin with massage movements and wrapped with cellophane on top. Instead of the latter, it is recommended to use cabbage leaves or leaves, lilac, burdock, sage and mint. After that, the neck is wrapped with a wool cloth.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home with folk remedies
Traditional methods of treating osteochondrosis at home will perform the following functions:
- eliminate discomfort in the neck area and relieve pain;
- inhibit the process of expansion of cartilage tissue in the cervical spine.
Deep warming of the neck should not be used to treat cervical osteochondrosis. This may increase edema and increase inflammation of the adjacent tissues.
Salt and oil for cervical osteochondrosis
For the treatment of the disease, it is required to prepare unrefined vegetable oil, fine sea salt. Ten tablespoons of salt are mixed in twice as much vegetable oil until a homogeneous consistency, after which the mixture is infused. After a few days, a white mixture with fractions of both components is formed from the composition.
On the following days, massage the cervical region with the resulting mixture. The first massage takes two minutes, add one minute every day until the total time reaches 20 minutes. After the massage, the skin is wiped off with a cloth soaked in warm water.
Herbs for cervical osteochondrosis
In the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, the use of herbal baths is effective. They should be carried out in a course involving taking baths every other day. The optimal effect is given by taking at least 15 baths.
Chopped herbs in a volume of up to 500 grams are poured with five liters of boiling water and infused for an hour. Then they are filtered and drained into a warm bath. It should be taken up to half an hour. Used for the procedure mint, lemon balm, chamomile, fir and calendula. It is recommended to set the dosage after consultation with a specialist.
Diet for cervical osteochondrosis
The basic rule of using a diet for cervical osteochondrosis is nutrition in fractional portions up to six times a day. When drawing up a diet, you should limit the amount of salt, carbohydrates and drink no more than a liter of liquid per day. You should not eat anything fried, pickled or salted. Vegetables and grains must be prepared well in advance and are best cooked. Meat products and fish should be lightly toasted before use. It is best to cook them in foil, roast them in the oven or steam them.